18 May 2010

I'm not a white mage

It's weird, really, since I always intended to be.  My first character, the level 50 mule, was created to be a white mage, because I wanted to be Teh Healing Bawm.  As I leveled it, I realized it wasn't what I wanted.  The pressure that gets put on a WHM in a standard exp party in this game is enough to make the whole game feel like a chore.  So I made Tamberly.  Intentions and ambitions aside, I ended up falling in love with her as RDM.

RDM is a great job!  In a party, I'm the buffer, debuffer, and healer.  When I'm not doing any of that, I get to swing my sword at the mob.  I run /SCH.  Light Arts takes my healing magic rating from C- to B+.  It reduces the cast time and MP cost of my white magic.  Dark Arts does the same for my black magic.

There are those who say that I have to level WHM.  They say that it's the only way to be the most effective healer.  It never seems to occur to them that if I wanted to be the most effective healer, I wouldn't be RDM.  Period.  Why would I take a job that has a lower healing rating than PLD if I wanted to be the most effective healer?  I think that would qualify as a serious lapse in logic.

I'll never have Erase or Curaga as /SCH.  But I'll never have Drain or Aspir as /WHM.  And running with a MNK and DRG, Drain is good for bursting.  But wait!  There's more!  Erase is SCH39, Manifestation is SCH40.  Your arguments, my little number-crunching friends, just went south.

I really wish I felt like I owed apologies for the things that I said yesterday.  But I was told that I'm an inconsiderate, bad RDM because I don't play the way that a WHM would play.  I'm sorry that I don't have any desire to live up to your expectations of what you think I ought to be doing.  If you need a white mage for a job, don't bring a red mage.  Don't tell me that I'm the one who is inconsiderate.

1 comment:

  1. If we only chose the "best" classes, then ultimately there would only be 3-6 classes max used in the entire game! How boring is that, to always be an "ideal" combination? Makes me think of some dystopia where the government decides jobs for people, regardless of their own wants, choices or passions.

    Also, booooring!

    I love having you as an RDM. Duoing goes smooth, and trioing even moreso, to the point where I find partying with WHMs frustrating because of their weaker focus on buff/debuff support.

    As far as I'm concerned, anyone who gives you crap for playing the classes you want can wallow in their narrow little worlds and strict expectations while everyone else can drop the serious and smile once in a while, playing as we want and helping people out in our own ways.

    This was a little more eloquently written earlier, but I'm tired, and the original poofed when I tried to post it, d'oh!
