29 April 2010

Thunderclaw Thuban is not my friend

If you're going to attack a NM on the basis that it's there:

• Read the whole wiki on it first.
• Make sure you aren't running with your warp-only subjob.
• Make sure your reraise didn't wear off.
• Hope it isn't immune to both Sleep and Gravity.

    I didn't even want the stupid drop.  Raise, Can I have it?

    28 April 2010

    2, 4, 6, 8! Who hates auto-translate?

    After a nap to replenish my dhalmel-fighting reserves, it was back to the defense of modern-day Vana'diel.  It seems that Sanctuary, an adorable little Taru RDM, has also heard of this threat and has been moved to join the cause.  /cheer

    I sent a polite tell to welcome him to the Dhalmel Overpopulation Action League, only to find that he doesn't speak English.  Thanks to the auto-translate function, I was forced to revise my warm welcome to "Dhalmel meat, Dhalmel hide, Do you need it?"  My translator wasn't recognizing items (despite having used the /translate function for the pertinent items), so I had to do "dhalmel" "meat", "dhalmel" "hide".  Turns out that the "Hide" in the translator is the verb and not the noun, because the response was "No thanks.  Dhalmel Leathercraft Skill."  After some effort, I managed to convince him that was what "the dhalmel are hiding" meant--or at least make enough of a fuss to pique his curiosity--and got him to open trade.  I gave him the five or so that I had in my inventory, and everyone went off happy.

    27 April 2010

    More crafting, and The New Dhalmel Threat

    A drop in price on quivers before calling it a night last night resulted in a total of about 9k less in asking price, but a bunch of gil in my inbox when I got up today!  And I still made a decent profit on top of the 8 woodworking points I snagged while synthing them.

    Today, I'm off to Sandy to get some guild points and pick up the lumber I need to make my own pickaxes.  It isn't necessarily more economical, but I keep getting (read: breaking my pickaxes on) tin ore while I'm out mining, so I might as well do something useful with it.  I really should look into the field tunica set.  I really should stop saying that and actually do it.


    There's something to be said for leveling two crafts with a single synth.  I mean, something other than, "Synthesis failed.  You lost the crystal you were using."

    I leveled goldsmithing to 9 today (I'd really been hoping to get it to 10 before quitting, but I believe I mentioned I really dislike that craft) before moving back to bonecraft.  Once I got there, it was cornettes, cornettes, cornettes--a neat and relatively cheap little recipe that is Bonecrafting 14 and Goldsmithing 14.  Seeing both of them raise a little on a single synth is nice, even when it breaks!

    Both are at 10 now, need to find more zinc ore tomorrow.  If my stuff would sell, I'd just buy it, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for that!

    The shop is closed.
    This shop's hours are 8 to 23.

    Addendum:  It probably does get better than this, but I'm content to not wonder how:

    26 April 2010

    Sunday synthing results

    You must wait longer before repeating that action.
    You must wait longer before repeating that action.
    You must wait longer before repeating that action.

    Woodworking: Left pretty well alone today; made a few skill-up items, but not enough to actually get from 57 to 58. Made a few silly presents for friends. Broke two Amiga Cactus synths and gave up on it. Do you know how hard it is to find Humus, or how expensive it is to make it? Do you even know where Fort Karugo-Narugo is?? 10k in mats gone, and I'm looking at a run through the past to replace some of it. Yeah, that one's going to have to wait a day or two.  (Before calling it a night, I did manage to make my first equippable HQ.  Mailed it off to a friend, 'cause I'm a dork.  And because he needs to level Bard.  I'm sure he'd see the necessity if he understood the reasoning behind it.  Srsly.)

    25 April 2010

    Less than 3

    A familiar scene for me: Synthing by my Bastokan tree.

    Poor Tav :(

    Tav next to her maple table. I'm thinking maybe I should make her a workbench instead.....

    GG SE

    This shot was taken from the back. Nice modeling skills, SE!

    Baby Choco Pics!

    A couple shots of my lil baby Chocobo:


    In order to make my buddy Cinn's blog look current, I'm making this one!

    Okay, it's just to share a few screenshots, heheh.