26 April 2010

Sunday synthing results

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You must wait longer before repeating that action.
You must wait longer before repeating that action.

Woodworking: Left pretty well alone today; made a few skill-up items, but not enough to actually get from 57 to 58. Made a few silly presents for friends. Broke two Amiga Cactus synths and gave up on it. Do you know how hard it is to find Humus, or how expensive it is to make it? Do you even know where Fort Karugo-Narugo is?? 10k in mats gone, and I'm looking at a run through the past to replace some of it. Yeah, that one's going to have to wait a day or two.  (Before calling it a night, I did manage to make my first equippable HQ.  Mailed it off to a friend, 'cause I'm a dork.  And because he needs to level Bard.  I'm sure he'd see the necessity if he understood the reasoning behind it.  Srsly.)

Clothcrafting: 2 to 5. A lot of farming Yag necks to break them down into grass thread. Just couldn't get into this craft today. I think I feel like I'm stepping on Cinn's turf with it, and that's what's creating my aversion to the craft.

Bonecrafting: 2 to 9. You mean I can pay 1,500 for a stack of bone chips at AH, or buy it for 900 at the guild? Hmmmmm... Capped out on bone arrowheads, and not suffering the same sense of reluctance I was getting with clothcrafting. Looking forward to continuing with this one, but the next recipe that looks good for leveling requires a fair bit of goldsmithing skill.

Goldsmithing: 0 to 5. I find both smithing and goldsmithing to be irritating. They aren't inventory-friendly--one ingot is synthed from four non-stackable ore, so it isn't even a reasonable proposition to farm the stuff. Camped for a while at the "souvenir" NPC at the air agency in Port Windy--brought 5 stacks of fire crystals with me and bought copper ore 4 at a time, synthed that into an ingot (if I was lucky), and bought four more ore, rinse and repeat.. Hoping I can get in the 9-10 neighborhood tomorrow, and hit Bastok for my "Recruit" status with the guild. Once that's done, I should be okay to continue with Bonecrafting.

It's been a bad weekend for me at AH, so we'll see how far I can get before I get too close for comfort to my budget limit. Wish me luck!

Unable to execute that command. Your inventory is full.

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