Today, I'm off to Sandy to get some guild points and pick up the lumber I need to make my own pickaxes. It isn't necessarily more economical, but I keep getting (read: breaking my pickaxes on) tin ore while I'm out mining, so I might as well do something useful with it. I really should look into the field tunica set. I really should stop saying that and actually do it.
Sporting my new field gloves (it was a compromise, I was actually shooting for the boots, too, but the ones that are on AH currently are going for something higher than their normal price and I'm just not willing to find out exactly how much higher), it's off to Zeruhn for more ore! Yes, I know I said I would just buy the materials I needed, but I don't actually like spending that much money unnecessarily--so, hi-ho, hi-ho, off to the mines I go!

Sadly, those pants are out of my league, but now that I know that top doesn't have to look--well, you know--I must have one. Sadly, it's a Rare/Ex from an event. Here's hoping I can pick it up in August at the next Sunbreeze Festival!
Speaking of events, something started today. I'm not sure what it's all about--the promotional blurbs are usually enough to give me only the vaguest idea at the best of times, and I was pretty tired when I happened upon the information the other night.
Goldsmithing is done, with a "final for now" level of 12--once Bonecrafting also hit 12, I moved on to a more convenient recipe. As a fringe benefit of all those cornettes, Windy fame is now 8. You may call me Lady Tamberly, Zabirego-Hajigo does!
My second-ever equippable HQ went to a random new player who sent me a tell asking for directions. He was a level 3 WHM, so I made him a maple wand, an ash pole, and a bone hairpin. The wand ended up being HQ--so much the better for him!
In other news, my attention has been drawn to a serious issue facing Vana'diel. It seems that careless adventurers are releasing bottled dhalmel during their visits to the Shadowreign era. Their reckless behavior has caused the population of Dhalmel [S] to grow so high that they are now spawning in the present. To combat this new threat, I am engaging in a massive population control effort. Alas, it appears to be in vain, as more appear with every round I make of Buburimu Peninsula.
Really. The fact that they may possibly be in possession of giant femurs, which are used in level 21 and 23 bonecrafting recipes, and the fact that my bonecrafting is currently at 17, is absolutely coincidental. I also refuse to give any credence to the theory that the person who alerted me to this grave danger was just, as the kids say, "making shit up".
So please, if you see excessive amounts of dhalmel, for the good of all Vana'diel, kill them, and send their femurs to me. You know, as evidence that you did your part. I'm not going to craft with them, honest!
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